An Evolving Full Service Marketing Company
The original ThinkBig, initially named Think Big Sites, focused on providing search engine optimization (SEO) services to the U.S., primarily in the New York area and expanding nationally. The initial strategy and focus was based on in-bound linking and onpage optimization. The inbound linking was a key element that helped to gain quick results until the search algorithms started to adjust to different methods for search results.
Also, there started to be a shift by search engines for more relevant onpage content. ThinkBig started to evolve and service more custom content based on keywords and information to support the topics. The focus on custom content has continued and is maintained as a key element for the current processes with most website projects. ThinkBig was purchased in 2017 and relocated the headquarters to Logan, Utah.
Since the relocation to Utah, the company has made two major evolutions. The first to the POD marketing strategy, which ThinkBig still utilizes in an evolved form, and the ultimate full service marketing format we currently employ. Over the course of these transitions, ThinkBig has adapted services to best fulfill our clients’ changing needs. We continue to meet those needs as our clients, technology, and the business world continue to evolve.

Our Marketing Journey
Phase 1: Our Beginnings in SEO Marketing Strategies
Think Big Sites began in 2007, primarily as an SEO marketing agency. SEO has always been and will continue to be at the core of ThinkBig’s digital marketing strategies. We have since expanded our services to include website design, customer service, advertising, Amazon support, and many other marketing-related topics. Understanding of keywords and how search engines operate and change is still necessary for nearly everything we do online leading to improved results.
Phase 2: The Conception of POD Marketing
Think Big Sites was purchased by Justin Hoopes in late 2017, relocated to Utah and the vision matured. Justin realized ThinkBig clients needed much more than SEO alone. He developed the POD Marketing model to allow for additional marketing services to be affordable to all businesses including small and medium sized organizations looking to improve digital profiles. The POD program was developed to provide access to a team of marketing professionals in a variety of areas.
Phase 3: Becoming a Full Service Marketing Agency
In 2021, Lawrence Trujillo became the new owner and CEO of ThinkBig Marketing with an expanded vision for the company. While the spirit of POD marketing is still employed, the company has become a full service marketing agency providing a wide variety of marketing services. ThinkBig’s marketing services include everything from Amazon support, consulting, and advertising to business strategy, and product management. The evolution has involved key success factors related to e-commerce leading to improved commercialization.
Leading Remote Digital Marketing
ThinkBig has earned a reputation as a strategic business partner for our clients. Over the years, we have assembled a team of marketing experts who are passionate about helping businesses grow. Our philosophy is based on transparency and the long term success of a carefully planned and executed marketing plan based on SEO principles. We continue to provide remote digital marketing solutions and will evolve as needed to maintain our vision and maximize value for our clients.